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About Us

The Singapore Wing Tsun Training Centre was founded by Sifus Joel Lee and Pearl Seet in 2006. A member of the Wing Tsun Tam Hun Fan Martial-Art Association (Hong Kong), the centre is dedicated to the promotion of Wing Tsun as practised and taught by the late Grandmaster Tam Hun Fan. 


We provide a friendly and safe environment for students of all ages to learn the art of Wing Tsun and to use it in self defence. We balance a structured curriculum that blends a traditional Chinese martial art with modern pedagogical methods, and an approach to teaching that is tailored to individual students. 

A gathering of students
Sifu Joel Lee doing Po Pai Jeung on the Wooden Dummy

Sifu Joel Lee

Sifu Joel Lee has been training in Wing Tsun since 1987 and is a 5th generation disciple of Grandmaster Ip Man (Yip Man). He began his training in New Zealand and continues to train directly in Hong Kong.

He is presently a 7th Level Practician and Advanced Instructor certified by the Wing Tsun Tam Hun Fan Martial-Art Association. He has also been conferred a Level 6 degree by the World Organization of Wushu and Kung Fu Masters.

Sifu Joel is a Professor with the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore and teaches Wing Tsun in his free time.

Simu Pearl Seet using Batt Jam Dao against the Pole

Sifu Pearl Seet

Sifu Pearl Seet, also a 5th Generation disciple of Ip Man, is Sifu Lee's Simui and has been training in Wing Tsun since 1990. She also began her training in New Zealand and continues to train directly in Hong Kong.

She is presently a 5th Level Practician and apart from co-teaching the main classes in the centre, also conducts training for private clients.

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